- To recognize the good work done by the Property Management Agents (PMAs) in handling the water seepage complaints under the Scheme of Participation by PMAs in Tackling Water Seepage in Residential Building, a presentation ceremony of awards for the PMAs with meritorious performance and active participation was held at the Function room, 6/F, Pei Ho Street Municipal Services Building, 333 Ki Lung Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon on 13 October 2023. There were about 40 attendees present in the ceremony.
- At start of the ceremony, FEHD representative (Mr SUM Siu-hin, Senior Superintendent (Joint Office)) introduced the function and delivered appreciation speech to the PMA representatives in that the background of the PMA Scheme was also explained. He also expressed thankfulness for the great performance of the PMAs joined in the PMA Scheme in settling many water seepage complaints by them since 1 July 2022. He highlighted that Property Management Officers (PMOs) were familiar with the building layout and distribution of piping of the housing estate and the unit. Such could reinforce the effectiveness of investigation. Apart from instigation of civil action by owners / occupants as an alternative for resolving water seepage problems, PMOs might help settle the seepage problems in harmonious approach via coordination / mediation. In short, a total of more than 1 700 water seepage complaints had been received by PMAs on 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 in that over 1 100 complaints were settled by PMAs via coordination / mediation / remedial work while the remaining complaints were either being followed up by PMAs or already referred to Regional Joint Offices for investigation. Surely, Customer Service Team (CST) would continue to meet PMAs and offer the useful and updated information to them.
- A total of 4 awards, namely Gold Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award and Active Participation Award were presented to the following PMAs-
Gold Award – Kiu Lok Service Management Company Limited (Larvotto)
Silver Award – Savills Management Services Limited (Hin Keng Estate)**
Bronze Award – Hong Kong Housing Society (Sunshine Grove)
Active Participation Award – Hong Kong Housing Society (Prosperous Garden)
** Remarks : Name of Management Company changed to Guardian Property Management Limited with effective from 5 Dec 2023.
- Taking the opportunity, FEHD representative congratulated the winners on their achievement and expressed his sincere gratitude and appreciation to all PMOs for the ongoing support to the PMA scheme. In this connection, CST would surely continue joining hands with PMAs to provide quality service to public with continuous improvement.
- The atmosphere of the presentation ceremony was grand and relaxing in that the PMA representative (i.e. Kiu Lok Service Management Company Limited) also expressed his feeling and view about winning the gold award and the PMA Scheme. In addition, some representatives took the opportunity to exchange views one another and also chatted with CST members about water seepage and related matters right after the ceremony.
Photos with Property Management Agents

Certificates for the Property Management Agents granted with Awards

Group photos

Photos with Property Management Agents
Gold Awardee, Silver Awardee, Bronze Awardee and Active Participation Awardee
Gold Awardee

Silver Awardee
[Remarks: On top of receiving the Silver Award by representative on 13 October 2023, the Silver Award was further formally presented to the PMA Awardee on 18 October 2023]
Bronze Awardee

Active Participation Awardee

Officiating guest, award-giving guests and Property Management Agents

Snap Shot of Presentation Ceremony
