Water seepage on private premises is primarily a matter of building management and maintenance for property owners and occupants.

There are experienced building professionals / consultant firms that may assist the general public in rectifying water seepage problems. The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) has provided these lists of building professional practitioners and surveying consultant firms that are willing to provide such services:

  1. List of Professional Practitioners on Water Seepage Investigation
  2. https://www.hkis.org.hk/en/experts.html?category=1

  3. List of Consultancy Firms providing Advice on Resolving Water Seepage Problem / List of consultants
  4. Please click the link below to enter the page "Company List (Areas of Services)" and press "11 Advice on Water Seepage Problem" to get the list (pdf format).



Owners are responsible for making their own assessment of the information on the Lists. They should contact the HKIS for queries about the Lists. The Lists are compiled, maintained and provided by the HKIS. The Government of the HKSAR plays no part in the compilation of the Lists and shall not be responsible for any inaccuracies in the Lists, or any errors/incomplete information arising from the hyperlinks, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of, or in connection with, any information, or the performance of any service providers, on the Lists. The service providers on the Lists should not be regarded as having been endorsed or recommended by the Government of the HKSAR. Their being on the Lists does not imply that the Government of the HKSAR promotes their expertise or their business.