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Information for Public

Sharing of Investigations to Reports on Water Seepage Buildings

Case 16

Upon receipt of a water seepage report at a flat of a residential estate in Sha Tin district, the New Territories East Regional Joint Office (JO) immediately conducted an investigation in accordance with the established procedures to identify the source of water seepage.

The JO performed a series of feasible non-destructive tests at various stages. A test report was submitted to the JO by the consultant after the required tests were performed. Upon analysis, assessment and verification of the test results, the source of seepage was confirmed to be the floor slab underneath the bathtub in the bathroom (including its enclosing walls) of the flat.

Since the source of seepage was identified, the JO issued a Nuisance Notice under the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, Cap. 132, to the owner of the upper flat, requiring him/her to abate the environmental hygiene nuisance within the specified period by carrying out the appropriate repair works.

Upon receiving the Nuisance Notice, the owner concerned called JO staff to express dissatisfaction with the investigation outcome and refused to carry out the repair works. Subsequently, JO staff called the owner multiple times to explain the testing procedures, specific arrangements and test results, and that proper maintenance and repair of buildings, including the resolution of water seepage problems, are the responsibilities of building owners and occupants. If the owner failed to comply with the Nuisance Notice within the specified period, the JO would instigate prosecution against him/her. After repeated communication and explanation, the owner eventually agreed to proceed with the appropriate repair works. Water seepage in the affected area had ceased on the completion of the repair works, and the affected owner was satisfied with the investigation and follow-up action carried out by the JO.


Buildings DepartmentFood and Environmental Hygiene Department