Case 4

The Hong Kong Regional Joint Office (JO) received a seepage complaint related to a flat in a housing estate in Jardine's Lookout, Causeway Bay in late April 2021. An officer of the JO immediately contacted the complainant and visited the flat affected to conduct water seepage investigation. It was found that the moisture content of the seepage area was greater than 35%, which was suspected to be caused by the flat on the floor above.

The officer of the JO visited the flat above instantly for an investigation but was denied entry by the occupant. The occupant doubted if the officer had the authority to enter the flat and, due to a lack of knowledge about the testing procedures, worried that the test would cause damage to his/her flat. Despite the obstacles, the officer did not give up and explained with patience to the occupant the role and statutory power of the JO as well as the testing procedures at different stages of investigation. The officer also advised the occupant to consider the problem from the perspective of the complainant who was affected by water seepage, in the hope of persuading him/her to allow the conduct of the colour water test at Stage II. Meanwhile, the officer also suggested that the occupant could arrange inspection and repairs on his/her own initiative.

After detailed explanation by the officer, the occupant finally had his/her concerns addressed and agreed to have the colour water test carried out at his/her flat. The Stage II investigation was therefore successfully completed.

Soon after, the complainant called to tell the JO that the seepage problem was finally resolved as the occupant of the flat above had followed up the water seepage problem and completed the relevant repairs. The complainant expressed deep gratitude to the officers of the JO for their untiring efforts and coordination in the investigation process, which put an end to the inter-floor water seepage problem. The complainant agreed that no follow-up action was required for the case.
